Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

Chapter 11: Chapter 11- Barrier of Death

... It seems I'm still not there.

The barrier or the bottleck one feels wh passing from perfection foundation building to Gold core is oft called as the 'barrier of death' as croaching upon its territory might awek the heavly wrath which cultivators also refer as the ' Tri-thunder tribulation'.

It's a thunder tribulation consisting of a total of three thunders, the first one being of purple colour and the second one being of bright blue colour and the third one being an extremely bright and majestic gold colour.

Only god knows, in the passage of time, just how many cultivators have had their lives tak by this very existce.

Cultivators have a bit of a contradictory thoughts towards this phomon as on one hand they fear it whereas on the other they also revere and respect it.

Many cultivators have simply chos to give up their journey towards the next realm prior to this junction. Yet many still chose to be brave and brave it with their very being to at least have a more meaningful life, still this beautiful thought couldn't save them from their impding doom.

The number of deaths sky-rocket in this stage as only one in a million has the pottial to reach Gold core stage and these powerhouse are highly valuable in lesser sects and families. In some of the lesser towns or villages, they are practically se as gods.

While there are some exceptions where some cultivators with lesser pottial ds up joining the ranks of gold core cultivators but those are only extreme cases where they either chanced upon some inheritance or had the fortune to experice some form of miracles or simply due to their unyielding willpower which doesn't break ev in the face of harshest of storms.




Right now, Mo Yuxin is trying to feel that very barrier which will allow her to finally step into gold core stage and be free from this dull space.

Up until the perfection foundation building stage, she had to covert her qi into a liquified state while also forming three transpart crucible in her three dantians. Th she filled them with spiritual power till the point of saturation and finally perfected her foundation.

"Little An, Am I really facing only three thunder tribulations?"

"That's what all the cultivators face isn't it? I'm sure you will face the same. Ev master faced only three thunder tribulations."

"Maybe you think that but I think the heavs are a little more amored with me. They seem to be paying me bit more atttion than normal. I'm most definitely facing more than three little An. As for how many more, that I'm not sure of."

"Ohh.... Um... Be careful big sis. Although I can't help you, I will cheer you on." She said while carefully weighing her words so to not discourage me.

'fufufu... How cute' I thought as I pretded to suddly be sad and looking at her with a pair of aggrieved eyes, I said, "It seems, you don't care about me, little An, you so cold heartedly pushed me to just bare with it, do you not like your big sis anymore?"

"Umm.. umm.. no ! Nooo.. It's not that big sis, I really really like you. I'm sorry, I....

Mm.... I'm not quite good with words, that's why..... ... I'm sorry....." She started frantically explaining to me while at the d her eyes got watery and she looked like she was about to cry.

' Oh... no, I seem to have teased her a bit much' I thought as I quickly wrapped her in my arms and started patting her back, trying to cheer her up,

"Don't cry little An, Big sis is sorry, she will not tease you anymore, don't cry."

After coaxing her for a minute, she finally slid down from my arms and wt back into her space whole covering her face. But you could her the tip of her ears turning red at a speed visible to the eyes.

"Fufufu, it seems, she got embarrassed. How cute."

Teasing her is fun but cultivation is also important.

As I activated 'Lan Xue' and felt the rich and pure spiritual power circulating all a me. It always gives me a feeling of absolute bliss as my body feels so light and the spiritual power not only nourishes my body, it also nourishes my soul and spirit.

At the momt, I started my preparation to finally touch upon that barrier and finally face what cultivators call the 'barrier of death'.

But I was not afraid as there was more of an anticipation and excitemt rather than fear or nervousness as the much anticipated new life is just a the corner and right withing my sight.

As I continued absorbing qi at an extremely fast speed, I started feeling a notion of fullness as if any more spiritual power might make me burst from the insides but at the same time I felt my limits. It was not a physical barrier per se, it was more of a mtal and spiritual barrier, hard to describe.

It felt as if a very thin layer of hazyness has befall upon my very being as the spiritual power is of no help here and to advance only means terror. Because the momt I tear apart that very thin layer of barrier, I will also tear apart the very barrier which protects me from the wrath of the heavs.

But to advance means more power and in the face of power fear has little hold on people.

I Steeled my resolve and braced myself for what's about to come. Ev though I don't perticularly joy feeling this bone shattering pain which I previously felt in the foundation building stage. But I knew I had to as that is the only way I could move forward in my life.




And, at long last, I finally pierced that thin barrier which protected me from the heavs.

The momt I did that, the heavs recognised me and did it's due work as the clouds started gathering above my head at a speed visible to the eyes.

Cultivation itself means going against the heavs and the gold core stage is also the stage where a cultivator fully experices what being an immortal is.

In this stage, you not only shed your mortal body, you also shed your mortal soul and finally achieve the basics required to achieve Ascsion.

In the foundation building stage, cultivators normally have a lifespan of 500 years but in the gold core stage it increases to a total of 500 years. A truly immortal lifespan.

To achieve a lifespan of over 00 years means having an extremely vast amount of vitality and spiritual power within you. A mortal body and soul would simply cease to exist in the face of such a magnitude of power and vitality.




As the clouds gathered more and more and the immeasurable power withing them threating to tear apart the very space.

It finally came and what happed next could only be described as gruesome, an abomination like phomon which would instill fear upon any and all that gazes towards it.

Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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